Pay Rent – Credit Card

Please Note – All Rent Is Due By The Fifth of the Month.
A Late Fee Will Apply If Paying After The Fifth of the Month.

A $20 fee will be applied to all online credit card payments.

If you make a payment using your cell phone, in order to avoid mistaken multiple submissions, please be certain to close the tab after the payment has completed.

Address of Apartment Rented(Required)
Credit Card(Required)
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
Expiration Date
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

We ONLY accept Visa and Mastercard. We Do NOT accept Discover Card or American Express


Neely Development

1545 Western Ave.
Knoxville, TN 37921

Map and Directions

Office: (865) 521-7324

Accounting: (865) 525-6171

Toll Free: (800) 862-8377

Maintenance Requests

For General Maintenance Requests

Phone: (865) 521-7324

For Maintenance Emergencies:

Please Call: (865) 386-5626
